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22 February 2015

Sony’s SmartEyeglass developer’s edition is on pre-order

Sony’s SmartEyeglass developer’s edition is on pre-order

Just when Google is giving up its scheme of releasing the consumer’s edition of its smartglass, the Japanese electronic icon is entering the challenging market. Sony’s SmartEyeglass SED-E1 developer’s edition is on pre-order now in Germany and in the UK. The company is looking to release it in March. The consumer’s edition of the SmartEyeglass will be available sometime next year.

A little over half of what Google charged for its developer’s edition ($1,500), Sony’s SED-E1 comes with a price tag of $840. Constructed in black frame, the glass is geared toward developers and its operating system is Android 4.4 and above. Equipped with a binocular for 8 bit display and a 3 MP camera for capturing images, the SmartEyeglass weighs 2.7 oz apart from its wired controller.

The hands free device promises to deliver the perception of augmented reality; it is loaded with sensors like accelerometer, electronic compass, brightness sensor, gyroscope and a speaker along with a microphone and a sub microphone for noise reduction. The device may be connected with its host Android smartphone via Bluetooth and WLAN.

The wired controller of SED-E1 hosts a microphone, speaker and a Near Field Communication module that enable the device to display information that can be viewed easily, a feature that the Google Glass was short of. However, the controller has to be manipulated effectively to bring the best out of all the features the SmartEyeglass has.

The SED-E1 will be available in Japan, the US and the rest of Europe from March 10, 2015 and it will be sold online through the website of Sony Developer World.

Robots replace humans in Chinese restaurants

Robots replace humans in Chinese restaurants

Mr. Lu owns a cafe in the seaport city of Ningbo in China’s Zhejiang province and he has a radical idea. Perhaps inspired by the American teen sitcom “Sam and Cat” (Bots Cafe), he replaced the eatery’s human waiters/waitresses with autonomous robots.

These are the first robots to replace humans in Chinese restaurants to take orders and serve customers their food and beverage at the tables. Each of these robots costs about $9500 (6000 pound sterling), they are not cheap; however, Mr. Lu figured out that they will save him a fortune in the long run in terms of employee salaries. Backed by the manufacturers five years warranty, the robots are good to go for the whole day with four hours of charge.

The 3 feet 4 inches (1 meter) human shaped robots are equipped with optical sensors that enable them to make their way around throughout the restaurant. They carry food and beverage on trays; programmed with 40 different simple phrases in Mandarin, these robots greet customers and carry out simple conversation with them. They know exactly where to go, where to stop and when the food in the kitchen is ready to be served. “Enjoy your meal” is what they say as they serve their customers food.

The novelty of the restaurant’s high tech service is increasingly attracting customers. Some people like the robot waiters/waitresses so much that they want to buy one for their homes. They are less likely to make mistakes like humans make when they get tired from over work; however, they are not likely to through a smile at customers while they are being served.

7 February 2015

"Disgrace" that neighbours must take on Boko Haram - Buhari

 Image result for buhari

Abuja - It is a "disgrace" for Nigeria that its neighbours have been more successful in battle against its Boko Haram insurgency than its own army, opposition presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari said in an interview a week before the election.

Troops from neighbouring Chad, Niger and Cameroon, all much smaller and poorer than Nigeria, have been battling the Islamist militants who have seized territory in northeastern Nigeria in a five-year insurgency.
Thousands have been killed and 1.5 million displaced in the uprising by militants known for executing and kidnapping civilians.

"It's a big disgrace for Nigeria. It is now Cameroon and Chad fighting the insurgency more than us. We will build the capacity and should be able to secure our territorial integrity," Buhari told Reuters.
A former military ruler, Buhari is hoping his strongman reputation will resonate with voters disheartened by incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan's failure to tackle the insurgency.

The election itself, set for Feb 14 although there has been talk of possible delays, will be another big test of security. Eight hundred people died in violence after the last election in 2011.
Buhari said that he was committed to using the courts if there are irregularities in the voting, and would not call his followers into the streets.

"I'm optimistic that I won't lose. But we signed an undertaking that it will be violence free," Buhari said. "We are attempting to stabilize a multi party democratic system."
Buhari said his administration also intends to tackle corruption within the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp (NNPC) and plans to reopen an investigation into missing crude revenues of around $20 billion.
He would also tackle the theft of crude tapped from pipelines in the Niger River delta.

"Our main objective is to secure the country. We will not tolerate insurgency, sabotage of the economy by the blowing up of installations, by stealing crude and so on.... All these things will be things of the past."
week's scheduled presidential election.

Samsung Galaxy S6 will feature a new payment method

Samsung Galaxy S6 will feature a new payment method

In addition to possessing a whole new design makeover coupled with improved hardware specifications, Samsung’s Galaxy S6 will also be providing a brand new payment system that will be in direct competition with Apple’s NFC payment feature called Apple Pay.

Samsung has been rumored to be partnering with LoopPay, a startup that allows users to make purchases using their mobile devices. LoopPay is similar to digital wallet and facilitates purchases in most regions around the globe. The new payment feature will be present in the Galaxy S6 through a fingerprint sensor. According to rumors, the upcoming device will feature a non-swipe fingerprint sensor.

In addition, the sensor will also be offering a boatload of features such as Private mode and payment via PayPal. The use of LoopPay will function through a mobile application as well as a fob. A fob is a specially designed phone case that will be attached inside the battery outlet of the smartphone. The fob will allow users to conduct the online transactions with ease.

As for the current generation flagship device, LoopPay has stated that it is currently working on rolling out a touch-enabled payment case for the Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Note 4 as part of the Samsung deal.
One of the reasons why Samsung has decided to partner with LoopPay is because of the reach the payment service brings when pitted against Apple’s NFC payment feature. Currently, Apple Pay has limited financial institutions coverage in America and it will take a while for the Cupertino tech giant to roll out the feature to other regions seeing as how the company is currently new to financial innovation.

More details regarding Samsung’s upcoming payment feature will be unveiled during the 1st of March, when Samsung unveils its newly designed smartphone at the MWC.

Amaechi threatens mass action against poll shift

Port Harcourt - Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State has said that members of the All Progressive Congress (APC) would take to the streets in protest if the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) postpones the February polls, reports The Guardian.

Amaechi, who is the director general of Buhari campaign organization, stated this on Friday in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State while addressing a campaign rally.

He insisted that the presidential election must hold on February 14 because Nigerians are charged and poised to vote on that day for an inevitable change.

He noted that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was afraid of losing the election and that was why it is pushing for a postponement.

Read more at The Guardian.

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Election to be postponed amidst Boko Haram violence

Dakar— INEC will postpone the February 14 presidential and legislative elections for six weeks to give a new multinational force time to secure northeastern areas under the sway of Boko Haram, an official close to the commission told The Associated Press on Saturday.

Millions could be disenfranchised if the voting went ahead while the Islamic extremists hold a large swath of the northeast and commit mayhem that has driven 1.5 million people from their homes.

The official, who is knowledgeable of the discussions, said the Independent National Electoral Commission will announce the postponement later Saturday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

A major offensive with warplanes and ground troops from Chad and Nigeria already has forced the insurgents from a dozen towns and villages in the past 10 days. Even greater military strikes by more countries are planned.

African Union officials and representatives of countries supporting the initiative were ending a three-day meeting Saturday in Yaounde, Cameroon's capital, to finalize details of a 7,500-strong force from Nigeria and its neighbors Chad, Cameroon, Benin and Niger. Details of funding, with the Africans wanting the United Nations and European Union to pay, may delay the mission.

Nigeria's home-grown extremist group has responded with attacks on one town in Cameroon and two in Niger this week. Officials said more than 100 civilians were killed and 500 wounded in Cameroon. Niger said about 100 insurgents and one civilian died in attacks Friday. Several security forces from both countries were killed.

International concern has increased along with the death toll: Some 10,000 killed in the uprising in the past year compared to 2,000 in the four previous years, according to the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations.

Officials in President Goodluck Jonathan's administration have supported postponing the Feb. 14 vote.
Any delay is opposed by an opposition coalition fielding former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari, though the opposition stands to take most votes in the northeast.

Supporters of both sides are threatening violence if their candidate does not win. Some 800 people were killed in riots in the mainly Muslim north after Buhari, a Muslim, lost 2011 elections to Jonathan, a Christian from the south.

Analysts say the vote is too close to call, the most tightly contested election since decades of military dictatorship ended in 1999.

Jonathan's party has won every election since then but the failure of the military to curb the 5-year Islamic uprising, growing corruption and an economy hit by halved oil prices have hurt the president of Africa's biggest oil producer and most populous nation of about 170 million.

A postponement also will give electoral officials more time to deliver some 30 million voter cards. The commission had said the non-delivery of cards to nearly half of the 68.8 million registered voters was not a good reason to delay the vote.

Niger forces kill 109 Boko Haram militants

Niamey - Niger's forces killed 109 fighters from Boko Haram on Friday as they repulsed attacks on the south-eastern town of Bosso, near the Nigerian border, Niger state television said.
Four soldiers from Niger were killed in the fighting against Boko Haram, whose insurgency is spreading from Nigeria to neighbouring states.
Niger's defence minister reported that a civilian was also killed and 17 other troops were wounded.
Chadian forces, who have taken a lead role in battling Boko Haram in recent days, fought alongside Niger's troops on Friday. Chad's commander in Niger, General Yaya Daoud, was also wounded with a gunshot to the stomach, a security source said.

Intensified battle
The clashes in Niger came as regional efforts intensified to battle Boko Haram, which has waged a six-year insurgency centred in northeastern Nigeria, where the Islamists have seized swathes of territory.
The conflict has killed at least 13 000 people and forced more than a million from their homes since 2009.
Niger announced on Thursday that on Monday it would ask its parliament to approve sending troops to Nigeria to fight the militants alongside Chadian and Cameroon soldiers.

 The US condemned the fresh Boko Haram attacks in "strongest possible terms" and pledged support for regional forces.
"This unchecked killing must stop," State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said. "We continue to provide support to governments in the region, including through intelligence sharing and are increasing our support for these efforts."
US intelligence officials said on Friday that while Boko Haram is flush with cash and weapons after a string of battlefield advances, the militants could face a tougher fight with Nigeria's neighbours.
The military intervention of neighbouring powers could potentially be a "game changer in a positive way", one intelligence official said.


Local radio reports said Friday's fighting in Bosso broke out in the morning and resulted in heavy clashes.
"We could hear the sound of weapons all around the town, often very near our windows. There was the noise of heavy weapons and of light arms, making our houses shake," one resident said.
Chadian forces have been stationed in Bosso since Monday, a humanitarian worker said, adding that Boko Haram "took the municipality" for a time before being "driven back to Nigeria".
However, a local leader said only that Niger's troops fought back the raid, while the Chadians were stationed at a distance.

 A resident who spoke on condition of anonymity said soldiers from Chad and Niger "were all over the streets" of Bosso.
"It was like a race across the town," one resident said. "As the fighting drew near, we heard cries of 'Allahu Akbar' [God is greatest]. We heard an aircraft fly over the town.
"We even saw smoke coming up from the town hall and the prefect's office, where heavy gunfire was heard," he added in the Hausa language, asking not to be named. "It's quiet now, but we're staying home."
Other clashes broke out some 10km from Niger's Diffa, which is on the border with Nigeria near a bridge that links the two countries. Its control is essential for transporting troops and supplies.


Little more than a stream, the Komadougou Yobe marks the frontier between Niger and Nigeria, and the water level has recently dropped considerably, making it easy to cross.
A large number of refugees fleeing the violence in Nigeria have also crossed into Diffa.
Yacouba Soumana Gaoh, Diffa's governor, told local reporters that close to 3 000 of Niger's troops are massed in groups every 10km - 15km along the border with Nigeria.
The military has drawn fierce criticism for failing to rein in the insurgents, who have intensified attacks ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections set for 14 February.

The election authorities said they will announce on Saturday whether the polls will be delayed as problems mount with distributing identity cards to 68.8 million registered voters.
Earlier this week, Chad launched a ground assault across the frontier to battle the jihadists and recapture the Nigerian town of Gamboru after having bombed the area beforehand. Chad's army said it had killed more than 200 Boko Haram fighters in the clashes.
In response, Boko Haram launched a bloody counter-attack on the Cameroonian town of Fotokol, killing 19 soldiers and at least 81 civilians.

6 February 2015

Tension Looms Between APC, PDP In Kaduna

In less than nine days to the country’s general elections, the major opposition party, All Progressive Congress (APC) and the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is reportedly building up tension in Kaduna State.

Image result for pdp and apc image

ThisDay reports that the tension became worse following the recent stoning of the state Governor, Mukhtar Yero’s convoy on Monday in Birnin-Gwari and Udawa during his campaign rally, allegedly by the supporters of the APC.

The incident reportedly happened after the governor’s return to Kaduna city, where some people alleged to be APC members booed  him around the Panteka and Bakin Ruwa areas of the city, chanting “Ba Mu so” (we don’t want) as the governor’s convoy was passing by.
Meanwhile, another group believed to be PDP supporters in Bakin Ruwa reportedly responded by attacking any vehicle, motorcycles and tricycles (Keke NAPE) carrying APC stickers.
It was also learnt that the APC presidential candidate Campaign billboards, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and that of the state governorship candidate, Mallam Nasir  El-Rufai in the area and the one at of Kabala West were destroyed by the angry mob.

Many people sustained injuries during the incident which caused panic among residents in the affected areas.
Reacting to the incident on Tuesday the APC in a statement issued in Kaduna, accused Yero and the PDP for promoting violence.
However, Senator Sani Sale, who spoke to newsmen on behalf of the party, maintained that the governor should be held responsible for the brawl.

“We make bold to say that responsibility for the mayhem, injuries and the loss of lives and property rest squarely on Yero and his PDP government,” Sale said.
The APC chieftain alleged that Yero had during the launch of his campaign last month, incited his supporters to violence “apart from threatening the property, liberty and freedom of movement of El-Rufai, our candidate for the governorship of this state.”
Sale, who insisted that the reaction of the APC to such incitements was to ask its supporters not to respond to provocations.

According to him, the APC has written to alert the National Human Rights Commission and representatives of the international community to “this blatant instance of hate speech.”
Sale further revealed that the state chapter of the APC campaign secretariat had taken several steps to discharge its responsibility to maintain peace in the state so that campaigns and the elections can take place in a competitive but calm atmosphere.

“Despite the fact that our campaign itinerary had long been concluded, with a zonal rally for Kaduna Central fixed for Kaduna last Saturday, 31 January 2015, we delayed the conclusion of our Zone 2 tour last week once we learnt that the PDP had scheduled a presidential rally for the same day. We followed up the suspension of campaign activities in Kaduna by running massive radio announcements to advise our supporters to stay off the streets during the PDP’s rally to avoid being the victims of the callous shoot-at-sight order given to soldiers and security agents. We also shifted our campaign activities to Zone 3, three days earlier than scheduled, precisely to deny and frustrate the PDP’s plan to unleash violence and blame it on us. You can therefore imagine our outrage that Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero yesterday supervised hoodlums and thugs on a rampage against people and properties. It is bad enough that his entourage attacked and destroyed billboards of General Muhammadu Buhari and Malam Nasir El-Rufai in the Bakin Ruwa and Kabala West areas of Kaduna, the state capital. It is worse that residents who challenged this act of wanton vandalisation were attacked and beaten by the thugs. It is worst that Yero was in the motorcade as his henchmen attacked persons and property with a ferocity that claimed lives. Yero’s security detail got in the unfortunate action, shooting at citizens who happened to be in the area. Election is a civilised contest and we cannot allow Yero to turn his impending defeat into an inferno for everyone. We call on the good people of Kaduna State to remain calm and avoid any provocation. We will insist that this election is conducted in an atmosphere of peace and orderliness,” Sale said.
Meanwhile, the political tension in the country in general did not exempt the south  west region as it would be recalled that a socio-cultural organization for the Yoruba people, the Afenifere, is reportedly in disarray following the declaration of its support for the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Innjoo Leap Intel Quad Core-1.33GHz 8" (WiFi,1GB,16GB HDD) Windows 8 Tablet

Key Features
  • ​​Screen‎:‎ 8 ‎''‎HD IPS display
  • Processor‎:‎ Quad Core 1.33GHz
  • Memory‎:‎ 16GB Internal‎,‎ 1GB RAM
  • Operating System‎:‎ Windows 8
  • Works with the Innjoo ikeyboard(Sold Separately)
  • WiFi: Yes
  • Colour: White
  • Free Office 365
  • 60mins free (Monthly) skype call credit 
  • For 1 year
  Leap Intel Quad Core-1.33GHz 8
 Technical Specifications:
  • System: Win 8.1
  • CPU: Intel BayTrail T-CR Z3735G Quad core
  • GPU: Intel HD graphics
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Storage: 16GB
  • External Storage: 32GB
  • Screen Size: 8inch
  • Resolution: 800*1280 IPS
  • Touch Screen: Multi-Touch Capacitive Screen
  • Camera: Front camera 2MP, rear 5MP
  • Power Source: Battery Capacity: 4000mAh Polym.
  • Recharge Type: Adapter or USB Cable
  • Charger Type: AC100-240V.50-60HZ Input, 5V, DC 2 A 
  • Connection: 2G: N/A
  • 3G: N/A
  • 4G: N/A
  • WiFi: R​T​L8723 (BT/WIFI)
  • Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0
  • I/O: SIM card: N/A
  • Audio: 3.5 mm standard CTIA
  • Mic & speaker: Inside
  • USB: Micro USB
  • RJ45: N/A
  • Others: OTG
  • Audio: 3GPP(.3gp), MPEG-4 (.mp4, .m4a), ADTS raw AAC (.aac), MPEG-TS (.ts), FLAC (.flac), MP3 (.mp3), Type 0 and 1 (.mid, .xmf, .mxmf), RTTTL/RTX (.rtttl, .rtx), OTA (.ota), Imelody (.imy), Ogg (.ogg), Matroska (.mkv), WAVE (.wav), AMR (.amr), AMR-WB (.awb), 3GA (.3ga), MIDI (.mid, .midi)
  • Video: 3GPP (.3gp), MPEG-4 (.mp4), MPEG-TS (.ts, AAC audio only), WebM (.webm), Matroska (.mkv), AVI (.avi)
  • Language: Arabic, English
  • Business: Office software, Skype
  • GPS: N/A
  • Gravity Sensor: Support
  • Proximity Sensor : N/A
  • Light Sensor: N/A
  • Color: Silver
  • Dimensions: 207.2*122.5*9 mm
  • Weight: 330g

Product information

Innjoo Leap Tablet


innjoo leap 1

Sleek Design

Designed to fit right into your hands comfortably‎,‎ it is thin and lightweight‎.‎

innjoo leap 4
innjoo leap 5

Innjoo Leap is equipped with the customized auto-focus 5MP Back/ 2MP front Camera for a great photography experience.

It is particularly signed to make conference calls easy.

innjoo leap 2

1GB RAM and 16GB internal storage which can be expanded to 32 GB. Store your favorite apps, media and games easily.

innjoo leap 6


5 February 2015

Gamers losing trust in Sony as PSN goes down again

One of the the biggest disappointments for PlayStation players took place during last Christmas when the network outage prevented millions of people worldwide from using their awaited gifts. On December 08, 2014, PlayStation Network (PSN) was hacked by a self proclaimed “Lizard Squad”; the same group took PSN down back in August 2014. Gamers are losing trust in Sony as PSN goes down again on Monday; users reported all over social media of not being able to sign into the network.
 Sony informed gamers that engineers were investigating the matter via the Twitter account of PlayStation. Consumers are not sure whether the outage is due to maintenance or it resulted from activities of some online hackers. Nevertheless, regular users of PSN are not happy with what they are getting.
 PSN has a pretty large global user base; recently accumulated numbers suggest that approximately 56 million people use PSN.
The problem of outage seems to be a regular phenomenon with Sony’s PlayStation Network since its introduction. The severest outage took place back in 2011 that left the users unable to access the network for about a month. The same hackers group, Lizard Squad, claimed responsibility at that time as well.
 Without internet connection, PS4 and XBox are pretty much useless; this is because the majority of the contemporary games rely on network connectivity. Even the games that function “offline” are badly infested with bugs and are difficult to operate without protective patches.
 Both PlayStation and XBox networks seem to be frequently vulnerable to hackers’ attack. If Sony and Microsoft fail to address this serious issue, consumers will stop having faith on services offered by the two companies, which will eventually affect the sales of gaming consoles manufactured by them.

11 Open Relationship Questions to Know if You’re Ready

Open relationships aren’t for everybody. But for the few who swear by it, here are some important questions they pondered on before giving it a shot.

 “An open what?” I asked. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this concept, an open relationship means that both parties are okay with their significant other having sexual relations with other people.

Naturally, I was rather taken aback. I had never been in that situation before and it was the first time anyone close to me had either. Of course, I was familiar with the whole idea of an open relationship and had nothing against it. It was just put into a harsh perspective when someone so close to me voted to be in one.

To be honest, I tried to talk her out of it on multiple occasions. She stuck to her guns and two years on is as happy as a clam. According to her, being in an open relationship gives her and her partner the chance to explore sexual possibilities outside of what they had. The freedom to come and go as they pleased, the ability to flirt without the guilt, the thrill of sexual exploration with others and best of all, someone to go home to every night.

 Although it took me a little while to wrap my mind around it, I saw just how happy she was and decided that maybe the whole idea of being in an open relationship is not such a bad thing after all. I was just a conventional prude who needed to open my mind a little more. So I embarked on a mission and spoke to several other couples in the same boat.

       Important questions to ask before getting into an open relationship

 #1 Why are we doing this? Before even talking about being in an open relationship, find out why this is even coming up. Is it because you are bored? Is it because you want to spice things up? Is it because you have been with your spouse for longer than you can remember and want to try something new? No matter your reasons for it, think long and hard before even deciding to talk about it.

#2 Should we start with a trial period? One of the first things you need to ask before getting into an open relationship is whether you can start off with a trial period. Just like taking a car out for a test drive before putting money down for it, you need to try it out before completely agreeing to it. The last thing you want is to be stuck in an unhappy situation. Give it a go for a couple of months before sitting down with your partner and discussing whether you want to continue with the open relationship for the long haul.

#3 How much should we share? Before you settle into being in an open relationship, discuss with your partner how much you should share with one another. Should you tell each other every time you head out with other people? Do you need to share the sordid details of whether any sexual relations took place that evening? Figure out what your threshold is for graphic details before committing to an open relationship.

#4 Do we need labels? Ask your partner if they’re comfortable with labeling your relationship as an open one. Forget about publicizing things on Facebook and other forms of social media as that is the least of your concerns. Instead, figure out the labels for when family members and friends ask about your relationship status. Come to an agreement on whether you even want to share with others the fact that you are in an open relationship.

#5 Will you practice safe sex? This is perhaps one of the most important questions to ask your partner. Find out if he or she will be practicing safe sex and insist upon it. The last thing you want to worry about is an STD or unwanted pregnancy. So lay down the law when it comes to safe sex. Remember to abide by the rules as well and do not let lust get the better of you.

#6 Are partners from the same zip code OK? Some people think that it is a silly question to ask but in reality, it’s very important. Find out if third parties from the same zip code are acceptable or if it’s only something that both of you indulge in when you are out of town.
You have to understand that as populated as the city you are living in is, people talk and the world is in fact a lot smaller than you realize. If you don’t want people gossiping about your open relationship or if you don’t want friends and family in the vicinity to find out about it, then be smart and only meet partners outside of your comfort zone.

#7 What are the boundaries? Being in a non monogamous relationship is not easy. There are many things to figure out, issues to discuss, emotions to rein in and so on. Discuss what the boundaries are before both of you hook up with other people. Although it doesn’t make the situation easier, it will certainly keep it less complicated when you know where the line is. Ask questions like whether it is only sleeping with other people that is permitted or whether you are allowed to date them. Do you get a say in who your partner sees? Set boundaries together and respect them.

#8 What are the rules? Similar to setting boundaries, both of you need to be very clear on the rules. All open relationships are different, so there is no one rulebook to follow. Just do what seems right for you and remember that the most important thing here is that you both feel comfortable. Review what the rules are.
Is sex on the first date allowed? Is sex allowed at all? Can we sleep with mutual friends? Do we bring partners home? Can I break pre-made plans to meet a date? Discuss everything and anything that comes to mind and agree on all of it before embarking on an open relationship.

#9 What if I develop feelings? The problem with dating and sleeping with other people aside from your spouse is the danger of falling for someone else. You need to talk about what to do next should you develop feelings. Do you end things with this person? Do you keep at it? As premature as it may seem, you need to figure out what the next step is before you even start your open relationship. [Read: 18 dangerous signs of an emotional affair]

#10 How long should this last for? Is this something that we are going to do forever? Do we stop when we decide to have kids? Figure out a tentative timeline and go with the flow. Many couples are perfectly happy with keeping their open relationship alive forever, but there are others who only want to experiment with it for a short time.

If you can’t decide how long to carry on at the beginning, then set a date several months after starting the open relationship before discussing it again. By then, you would both be set in your roles and know whether it is something you want to keep doing long term.
#11 What do I want? This is the most important question of all. Ask yourself if being in an open relationship is something that you even want to do. Do not get into it to please your partner. Do not get into it because you are afraid of being alone if you say no. Do not get into it because you are apathetic.
You need to be 100% on board with this before agreeing to it. Anything less will be a massive step down for your dignity and self worth. Respect yourself first and you will know in your gut if it is something that you want to do.

Depending on how you look at it, an open relationship could be the best thing that ever happened to you. No matter what, just be sure that you are comfortable with it and never let your partner push you into doing something that you do not want to do.